My grin is a mile wide because i have one of my fave conversations yet to share with you. If you don’t know andy j pizza, he’s the host of the podcast creative pep talk which helps you build a thriving creative career. He’s also an illustrator for the likes of the new york times, amazon, nickelodeon, youtube + warby parker and he’s all about saying YES to life, making creations that inspire that in himself and others.
-whether you should niche down or have multiple projects and streams of income to make a thriving creative career, and how to break into new creative markets without confusing your audience
-the gifts you give others with your creative work that you didn’t know were possible
-why writing on stage and putting your work out before it’s ready is the path to greatness
-how listen to your audience without losing your way
-how to cherry pick the best of the best from your own work
-whether suffering is necessary for great creative work and the BEST riff on the idea of the tortured artist I’ve ever heard!
Andy’s new skillshare class:
Creative Pep Talk podcast:
Andy J Pizza:
Brooke’s Free 5 step framework for shooting families class: