The allure of creations we haven’t yet made can distract us from the most important thing which is MAKING the thing.
People often wonder why they aren’t making when they have all these great ideas floating around or sitting in a doc on their computer but the biggest reason why you’re not making isn’t because you don’t have time, or enough experience, or enough money, or the right tools, or you haven’t found the right location to shoot your project or been able to take the trip to research your book.
You’re not bringing your great ideas to life because great ideas are perfect in your limitless imagination. You see how incredible it COULD be. But actually doing it? It’s crappy. It’s hard. It’s not what you see in your head.
-the biggest reason you’re not making what you wanna make
-how to deal with sucking at something you REALLY care about
-how to make your creativity into a game (that you just want to keep playing!)
Gwen Florio’s “The Allure of the Book Not Yet Written”…-not-yet-written/
Ep 89: the rollercoaster of creativity + 3 ways to ride it gracefully…ly/id1438076373